The Re-Store

The GIRO RE-Store

A large part of GIRO is the Restore. We accept gently used donations that still have some reuse value. All donations are sorted, processed and priced according to quality and condition. In the store you will find anything and everything from clothing and footwear, to housewares, electronics, books, music and movies. Outside the store we sell bikes, sporting goods, gardening supplies and construction materials.

One person’s “bric-a-brac” or junk is another person’s treasure.

It happens. We all get tired of our clothes in our closets. Even our favorite outfits can feel a bit stale after so many uses. Rather than buying a whole new wardrobe, it actually only takes a few funky pieces to give you a fresh look. Checkout the clothing department for some great finds. Everything from the latest trends to something a little more classic or vintage, you can find it here at GIRO.

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