Become a change-maker. Support the spirit that started GIRO in 1991.

For over 30 years, GIRO has provided significant means and ways for our community to recycle, re-use, and re-fashion every imaginable household and outdoor item.

“After all these years, I still feel proud to be a founding member of what started out as a recycling depot and has now become an essential part of our community, providing employment and right livelihood, and a great place to re-imagine our consumption habits.”

Susan Yates, Founding GIRO Member & Sustaining Donor

“I appreciate the dedicated people who work at GIRO for their help whenever I drop items off or seek items from the re-store. GIRO provides more recycling services than any place I have lived. That is amazing as I have lived in many large cities across Canada. I encourage everyone on the Island to support this very worthwhile organization.”

Garfield Lee, Sustaining Donor

Environmental Stewardship Program @ Gabriola Elementary School

GIRO’s waste diversion reports confirm its role as a regional leader in recycling and repurposing used materials. Its system-bending programs include teaching students sustainable values at the Gabriola Elementary School, then supporting these students in their climate-actions in our community. GIRO also assists local businesses working to make their operations green and responsible.

During the last decade, GIRO built a new home for the Re-Store, a new roof for the recycling and receiving areas, along with concrete slabs and pathways that improved access to our facility. In 2019, we installed a solar array on our roof and began selling electricity back to BC Hydro. It will pay for itself by 2029. In 2021, we completed a shed that provides a new home for used building materials and supplies.

These improvements were achieved using a combination of government grants, private donations, and local labour—both paid and volunteer.

In 2021-22, GIRO plans to build a textile-repurposing building as part of its C2C Textile Recycling Initiative (Cradle-to-Cradle). We have applied for and received two generous grants, but we are fund-raising for the final details of the maker-space building: the purchase of specialized equipment and industrial furniture. You can help.

This experiment with a “circular economy” has received province-wide interest, along with international press coverage. Please consider either a one-time gift or a regular monthly donation that helps us make this project and others like it a success.*

“Being engaged with our waste and discards has always been important to me—it helps to balance the mindlessness that can come with consumption.

GIRO is a gift – a place where care, intelligence and community come together. A source of pride for Gabriolans.”

Pui Ming Lee, Sustaining Donor

There is so much to do. You can help.

Become a change-maker. Support the spirit that started GIRO in 1991. Help us show the world new ways to live, new ways to be.

*GIRO is a registered charity and all donations are tax deductible in Canada.

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